Hello. I’m Eliza Blue.

I’m a writer, folk singer, and accidental rancher. My work connects rural life to the wonder of the human experience.

There is so much to fall in love with if you let yourself, & I’ve decided to let myself.

Excerpt from Accidental Rancher

What I Do

Whether it be through word or song, my work connects rural life to the wonder of the human experience.


Using my background as both a storyteller and singer/songwriter, my writing shares about life on the high plains.

TV Show

Wish You Were Here is a traveling show that celebrates rural life across the Northern Plains through stories and songs.


Listen to my podcast, where we approach self-care and mental health through the lens of caring for livestock and living a rural lifestyle.


I’m a classically trained musician with over 15 years of performing experience.

Support this work.

There are so many ways you can support what I do, and each are deeply appreciated.